Wednesday, December 30, 2020

🍋 January Meal Plan

Not sure about y'all, but I absolutely LOVE the start of a new year. My hopes and dreams are fresh, my motivation is usually very strong, and I just get soo excited about the idea of a shiny, brand new year! I'm the same way about Mondays, too.

I am sooo pumped for a new year, and I have some really huge personal goals. One of them is to get my diet back in check. My plan is simple: no alcohol the entire month, lots of fruits and veggies, sticking to this meal plan to a T, and allowing myself one cheat meal each week (you'll see those listed each Friday). 

My hope for this blog, and this meal plan, is that maybe it can provide you with a source of inspiration, easy meal ideas and maybe start you down the path of a healthier lifestyle. One day at a time, friends!

1. skillet pork chops & cabbage with black eyed peas (all the black eyed peas, friends!!!)
2. beef & broccoli stir fry (I like to use shaved beef from Trader Joe's. Double the sauce!)
3. bruschetta chicken with spaghetti squash
8. out
12. leftovers
15. out
16. grilled pork tenderloin with baked potatoes & broccoli
17. air fryer sausage & potatoes with a vegetable
22. out
23. air fryer chicken fried rice (I line my air fryer with foil)
25. leftovers
29. out