Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, New Goals

I know, how cliche. New goals for a new year. I've always felt ignited by a fresh, new year. Something about a clean slate is so invigorating. But I'm also one that firmly believes in starting where you are, so if you're reading this on April 24th, don't think it doesn't apply to you-- change can happen any time, but you have to be ready for it.

My life has changed a lot in the past two years. It started on December 29, 2016 when I was so fed up with feeling like crap. Well, turns out- when you feed your body crap, you start to feel like crap. So, I started cleaning up my diet by eliminating all processed foods. This wasn't easy considering I'd been eating so poorly for decades. But in about 6 months, I re-learned how to cook, how to eat, and subsequently dropped 30lbs and felt like a new person!

I've been sharing my love for food for the past two years, mainly through Instagram and Facebook, but have decided to start sharing my meals, recipes and meal plans in a more accessible place.

I am BY NO MEANS a chef. Most of the recipes I share are published by other people, and I will always give them credit. But I am a lover of food and planning ahead, and I know someone out there will find this information useful.

Hope you enjoy!

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